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Receiving Revenues

898 bytes added, 17:28, 6 September 2020
Deposit slips
The main sources of revenues come from student fees, event tickets, or [[sponsorship]]. Many revenues will be deposited in your account without you ever seeing them, such as student fees (for [[departments]]), [[MESC]] funding, and any other revenue that is mailed directly to the EUS. We will try to inform you when something has been received, but you should make sure you check your [[accounts ]] every now and then to find out about these, or ask the [[VP Finance]] about specific payments. <br>
In addition to these deposits that come in automatically, there are many that you will need to deposit yourself. These consist of cash or cheques that you collect personally for events, fundraisers, and other initiatives that you coordinate.
==Deposit slips==
NOTE: Due to limited campus access measures because of the pandemic, please email the VP Finance to arrange a deposit.
In the [[EUS Office]], there are deposit slips located in the rack on the right as you enter (see photo to the right). A few of the fields on the deposit slip are a little unclear. You should make sure that you include your name, the name and number of the account you are depositing to, the date, and a few words to describe what the deposit is for. The description is important, because our bookkeeper will use it to determine whether taxes should be remitted, which affects your revenue flow. The image below shows a properly filled out deposit slip.
==Submitting the Deposit==
[[Image:Chequedeposit.png|220px|right|thumb|A filled-out deposit slip with a cheque receipt attached.]][[Image:Safe.png|160px|left|thumb]]
*When you have filled out the deposit slip, detach the pink slip (it’s a carbon copy). '''This is your receipt''', which you should keep in your records. '''DO NOT ''' detach the white slip on top. <br>*When depositing a cheque, you must attach the cheque stub to the top white copy. If there is no stub, then you must make a copy of the cheque and attach it. <br>*Make sure coins are submitted by the roll when they are in sufficient numbers ''(found in EUS Office, ask the [[Administrative Manager]])''<!--<center style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;color:#006400;">{{pull quote|You must attach a cheque copy/stub ''on the back'' of the white deposit slip}}</center>-->Next, seal the deposit envelope, and put it in the drop safe. The drop safe is located in the closet as you enter the [[EUS Office ]] on the right. Place the envelope in the safe, turn the wheel, and '''''make sure that it dropped through'''''. Your deposit will be processed within two weeks of you submitting it, and it should be in your [[accounts ]] between two and four weeks after being processed. The location of the safe can be seen to the left.
==SecuritySafe Practices==When collecting money for an event, you should make frequent deposits, rather than holding onto large amounts of cash at a time. :''For example, if you expect $5000 in ticket sales to an event, you might make deposits every $1000 or so, or even every few hundred. It’s not always safe to be sitting around with thousands of dollars in cash in front of you when you are tabling. <br>'' Cash that you hold onto is not secure or insured, but by depositing it you can be more assured of its safety. As warm and fuzzy the EUS community seems to be, you’re in the middle of a big city, and the The EUS '''HAS''' been robbed in the past (nothing violent – someone broke into the VP Finance Office and made off with some cash a few years ago). If you keep money in a departmental [[lounge ]] or a locker or something for temporary storage, you are putting your group and the EUS at risk.<br>And as a side note, if If you decide do not to make a deposit at the end of the day but are unsure where to store the money you have, you can keep your cash box stored in the EUS [[VP Finance ]] Office where it will be (relatively ) safe.
With the new card reader at the General Store, your group can know now accept credit and debit card payments when you are tabling for your event. Email [ ] beforehand if you want to accept credit and debit card payments. However, we do not accept online payments. So do Do not ask for the EUS bank account information. <br><center style>{{Button|1=Online Payment|2=Online Payment|3="fontfar fa-mouse-size:18px">''[[pointer|4=Indigo|5=internal}} {{Button|1=FOAPAL|Click here for more info 2=More Info on FOAPAL's]]|3=fas fa-money-check-alt|4=Indigo|5=internal}}</center>
There may be situations where a cheque will be written to your group, but the cheque will be mailed to the EUS. This is often the case for McGill funding sources, like [[MESC]] funding or funding from departments. This is perfectly fine. However, it is very important that you inform the EUS [[VP Finance or Dianne ]] and [[Administrative Manager]] that a cheque is coming, and for how much. Cheques sometimes come with no descriptionIf you do not, and the [[Administrative Manager]] will not know which account it may be difficult is for us and will deposit the money to ensure that the cheque goes EUS general account.:'''You must tell your funding source to add ℅ or ATTN: *your group if we have no way name*''' :''i.e A cheque for ChESS will be addressed to: The Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University ℅ ChESS. '' ==Issuing Invoices==Sometimes, you may find it necessary to issue an invoice to a company or other organization in order for them to send you a cheque. For example, a departmental society may find it necessary to prepare an invoice for a sponsor. This invoice should include:*Company Name*Company Address*Description or Reason for the invoice*Amount of knowing who the cheque invoice [ Here is intended fora template] If you need any assistance or a template, contact the [[Finance Director]] or the [[VP Finance]][[Invoicing]] {{Financebox}}