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Civil and Sandwiches

63 bytes added, 16:14, 10 September 2019
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Civil and sandwiches is an academic event that CEUS hosthosts at least once a semester.The CEUS VP Academic is responsible for planning and organizing the event. Professors from the civil engineering department are invited and will share to speak about a topic relating to their insights and recent researchesresearchStudents are invited to connect with their professors in an informal setting outside of the classroom, while at the same time eating sandwiches provided by the CEUS!
And the hightlight part: there will be delicious (FREE) sandwiches served!~~
[[File:Civil and sandwiches.jpg|right|frameless]]
=== ''<u>Past Civil and Sandwiches</u>'' ===
* March 15th 2019
<blockquote>Invited: Lijun Sun and Mary Kang</blockquote><blockquote>Abstract:</blockquote><blockquote>Professor Sun presented on spoke about his research about pertaining Machine Learning for Smart Transportation. </blockquote><blockquote>Professor Kang talked about Methane emissions and the groundwater impacts of oil and gas development.</blockquote>
* March 26th 2018
<blockquote>Invited: Dominic Frigon and Josh Stipancic</blockquote><blockquote>Abstract:</blockquote><blockquote>Mr. Josh Stipancic was is currently doing conducting research in Transportation Engineering here at McGill. He shared not only his journey in the field of Transportation with you, but also information on about Graduate Studies, why you should consider pursuing grad studies, and what you can expect from them. </blockquote><blockquote>Our next speaker will be Professor Frigon, discussing the opportunities and careers in Environmental Engineering. A foreign idea to us, Environmental Engineering has a ton of branches that we aren’t very familiar with. </blockquote>
* Nov 11th 2017
<blockquote>Invited: Dominic Frigon and Josh Stipancic</blockquote><blockquote>Abstract:</blockquote><blockquote>Mr. Josh Stipancic was is currently doing conducting research in Transportation Engineering here at McGill. He shared not only his journey in the field Transportation with you, but also information on about Graduate Studies, why you should consider pursuing grad studies, and what you can expect from them. </blockquote><blockquote>Our next speaker will be Professor Frigon, discussing the</blockquote>