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Form:Board Summary Submission

750 bytes added, 17:21, 13 November 2018
no edit summary
This is the "===Create a Board Meeting Summary==={{#forminput:form=Board Summary Submission" form.|autocomplete on namespace=Board|query string=namespace=Board}}===About===To create a This page with this formgoes over briefly how generating board based things happens. It is convoluted, enter but that's the page name below;price of automation.if a page with that name already exists, you will be sent :'''''Note:''''' there is also [[Form:Board Home]] to create a form to edit that central pagefor each BoG Term.
This form will generate the buttons that navigate between previous and future board meetings, create the table of board motions, and link to the board folders/minutes/motions. The general layout for that page is dictated by [[Template:BoardNav]] and is the same across '''''all board summary pages'''''.
:Within [[Template:BoardNav]] is another template, [[Template:BoardBar]] which is the navigation buttons that appear at the top, which will automatically update with the most recent 8 board meetings.
{{#forminput:form=Board Summary Submission|autocomplete on namespace=Board}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Board Motion2Motion|embed in field=true|multiple|label=?Add your motions|add button text=Add another motion}}}
;Agenda # and Type
:\<nowiki>#</nowiki>{{{field|1agendaagenda-pt|size=4}}}&emsp;Type {{{field|1typetype|input type=listbox|size=5|values=Motion,Discussion,Presentation,Notice,Confidential Session}}}
:{{{field|1motionmotion}}}&emsp;Link {{{field|1linklink|size=20}}};Description :''You can include internal links (<nowiki>[[Example]]</nowiki>) in these forms. :{{{field|1descriptiondescription|input type=textarea|size=15|autogrow}}}
:{{{field|1decisiondecision|input type=combobox|size=20|values=Passed,Failed,Tabled,N/A,Passed Online,No Quorum,Passed in Part,Unknown}}}
{{{end template}}}