no edit summary
This form will generate the buttons that navigate between previous and future board meetings, create the table of board motions, and link to the board folders/minutes/motions. The general layout for that page is dictated by [[Template:BoardNav]] and is the same across '''''all board summary pages'''''.
:Within [[Template:BoardNav]] is another template, [[Template:BoardBar]] which is the navigation buttons that appear at the top, which will automatically update with the most recent 8 board meetings.
{{{end template}}}
{{{for template|Board Motion2Motion|embed in field=true|multiple|label=?Add your motions|add button text=Add another motion}}}
;Agenda # and Type
:\<nowiki>#</nowiki>{{{field|1agendaagenda-pt|size=4}}} Type {{{field|1typetype|input type=listbox|size=5|values=Motion,Discussion,Presentation,Notice,Confidential Session}}}
:{{{field|1motionmotion}}} Link {{{field|1linklink|size=20}}};Description :''You can include internal links (<nowiki>[[Example]]</nowiki>) in these forms. :{{{field|1descriptiondescription|input type=textarea|size=15|autogrow}}}
:{{{field|1decisiondecision|input type=combobox|size=20|values=Passed,Failed,Tabled,N/A,Passed Online,No Quorum,Passed in Part,Unknown}}}
{{{end template}}}