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administers the Equipment Fund.
===Voting Procedure===
*[[EFC#Membership|Each member]] of the EFC has one vote and quorum consists of twelve members of the EFC, provided the Dean, one student representative from each of the departments, and the VicePresident Academic of the EUS, are all in attendance. Proposals from a department may only be voted on if that department’s chairperson is present.Proposals for the Faculty purchases may only be voted on if the Faculty studentrepresentative is present. *A two-thirds majority is required for a departmental proposal to pass, otherwise the
proposal is rejected for the current year.
*A unanimous vote is required for a ''Faculty proposal '' to pass, otherwise the proposal is
rejected for the current year.
The EFC is composed of twenty-seven members, from student departmental representatives to the Chairpeople of the various departments. Quorum consists of twelve members of the EFC, provided the Dean, one student representative from each of the departments, and the VicePresident Academic of the EUS, are '''all in attendance'''. ''Proposals from a department may only be voted on if that department’s chairperson is present.'' ''Proposals for the Faculty purchases may only be voted on if the Faculty student representative is present.'' The makeup of the committee is as follows:
'''Student Reps:'''