→Article 46: Departmental Students’ Associations
*{{Hanging indent|text=46.2.2 [[VP Student Life|The Vice-President Student Life]] may call for a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]]’s impeachment due to delinquency of duties as per Article 24.3}}
===Article 47: Engineering Representatives to S===.S.M.U.}}===
{{Hanging indent|text=47.1 A Motion to impeach an Engineering Representative to S.S.M.U. must be signed by at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the EUS Council, or by at least one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS, and must be presented in writing at a Regular Meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=47.2 A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority shall be required to carry a Motion to remove an Engineering Representative to S.S.M.U. Council.}}