,added summary of events
==Frosh Events==
At the beginning of September, day and night you’ll be busy making amazing memories as a result of the busy schedule of orientation week. Here’s a short recap of the types of events:
Day Events - Includes a park party, the Engineering Hard Hat Challenge, of course great times at OAP (Open Air Pub - McGill’s famous Engineering-run barbeque, music and BEvERage heaven) and much more!
Night Events - The coolest parties featuring amazing music music and amazing people, including our traditional Toga Party
Beach Day - A day long event that makes life long memories #beachdayeveryday
Pub Crawl - What other great way to get to know your new home? Nuff said
For more info on the scheduling of our events, check out our schedule! To request more information about accessibility, venues and everything else, contact your coords at oweek@mcgilleus.ca or message our Facebook page, [https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringFrosh/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf McGill Engineering Frosh].
==How is Frosh Run==
Please view [[Frosh Committee]].