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2 bytes added, 14:31, 9 October 2016
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==How to Use FontAwesome==
To insert any icon [[FontAwesome#Icons|listed below]], use the following syntax:
<center><code style="font-size:16px;"><nowiki><i class="</nowiki><span style="color:CrimsonIndianRed";>fa</span> <span style="color:RoyalBlue">fa-certificate</span><nowiki>"></i></nowiki></code></center>Where <span style="color:CrimsonIndianRed";>fa</span> calls for the fontawesome pack, and <span style="color:RoyalBlue">fa-certificate</span> is the icon of choice.
The icons can be further adjusted to meet new sizes, to be used as bullet points, and to be rotated dynamically. [ Click here] to find out more: